Best Bird Egg & Biscuit Softfood
Best Bird Egg & Biscuit Softfood
European Style.
For all canaries & finches.
Feeding Directions: Add water and mix lightly until moist & crumble. Stand for 5 minutes and re-mix before using. Offer fresh daily. In hot weather and while birds are feeding chicks, it may be necessary to feed twice a day.
Made in New Plymouth, New Zealand from local and imported ingredients.
Ingredients: Wheat. Corn. High grade soya protein isolate. Whole Egg solids. Blue maw seed. Calcium. Magnesium & Vitamins.
Protein 16%
Fat 5%
Fibre 5%
European Style.
For all canaries & finches.
Feeding Directions: Add water and mix lightly until moist & crumble. Stand for 5 minutes and re-mix before using. Offer fresh daily. In hot weather and while birds are feeding chicks, it may be necessary to feed twice a day.
Made in New Plymouth, New Zealand from local and imported ingredients.
Ingredients: Wheat. Corn. High grade soya protein isolate. Whole Egg solids. Blue maw seed. Calcium. Magnesium & Vitamins.
Protein 16%
Fat 5%
Fibre 5%
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