T8 20W Tubes for RS-800HA Light
Sum Shinhe Lamp For Aquatic with 2 fluorescent tubes each 20W.
One tube is White and the other is Red.
Light information:
* RS Electrical RS-800HA Sum Shinhe Lamp for aquatic
* Total length of the light is 82cm
* Has 3 light settings controlled by 2 switches - white light only, red
light only and both lights.
* Arc surface for strong reflection
* Super alloy aluminum radiation reflecting membrane
* Able to be hanged
* Transparent plate
Fluorescent light information:
* 20W each tube
* The tubes are T8
* Length is 588mm
* Pipe diameter is 26mm
1. Based on material growth and reproduction of fish and water
quality needs and special light design.
2. The light produced y lamp diving favour the growth of animals and
plant health
3. Light penetration, good effect of the colour rendering
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