Leopard Gecko Care Sheet

Leopard Gecko Care Sheet

Leopard Geckos are unique, beautiful and interesting pets. They can get up to 15 to 25cm in length and live for 10 – 20 years.


The best size enclosure is at least 60cm long, 40cm high and 30cm deep. The enclosure needs to be separated in 2 different zones, one side hot, the other cold. A heat lamp will provide the heat needed for the Gecko to bask and using a UVB light during the day imitates the sun, another crucial part to the health of any Gecko and enclosure. Having a heat mat on the ‘hot’ side will provide added heat and can be turned on and off as required. The recommended temperature for the hot side should be around 32 °C in the basking zone, so a thermometer or thermostat is required to maintain this. Having a rock or cave for them to bask on is important and will also provide them with the option to move away from the heat if required. They should always have access to a hiding place on both the warm and cool side of their habitat. Adding some sphagnum moss to their hide/house will help when they’re ready to shed their skin.


Providing a substrate that is similar to their natural environment and that will not hurt them if they fall is crucial. We use a grass mat and also have some items for them to climb and explore such as driftwood and reptile plastic plants.


They are eating live mealworms. Dusting in calcium powder provides extra nutrients that is important to their health. The Exo Terra's Worm Dish allows reptiles to see their food, but the specially designed edge ring prevents the mealworms from escaping. They also enjoy live Crickets and Locusts however these should be no bigger than the size of the gecko’s head.

Leopard geckos drink from large shallow dishes and will also soak in their water dish to maintain hydration. Make sure they have clean fresh water each day.

Posted: Monday 1 April 2024