Mice Care Sheet

Mice Care Sheet

Mice make a fantastic starter pet. They are very curious, highly intelligent and are a social animal. When trust is built, they will enjoy being handled. NEVER pick up a mouse by its tail as this can be very painful for them and can cause harm.


Life Span:

The average life span of a mouse is around 3 years. They grow on average to about 5–8 cm.



A wire cage with a solid bottom is best to house your mice making sure the wires on the cage are not bigger than 0.6cm or they can fit through the gaps and escape. The ideal enclosure should include fun things like multilevel, wheels, sputniks which are hanging houses, hammocks or ground house, even toilet rolls, and cardboard boxes are fun to entertain your mice. 

It is not recommended to house more than one male mouse together although we have found that if they have been together since birth, they seem to be happy together in most cases. Male mice have a territorial nature which can lead to severe fighting causing injuries and fatalities.

Female mice are more than happy to be housed together, in fact they thrive in groups and will often share the care of other young mice. When introducing any new female this is done under supervision to make sure it goes smoothly.



We use Pine shavings at the bottom the cage as this is absorbent and helps controls odours naturally. Placing a piece of cardboard down on the bottom of any wire cage will also provide more comfort to the feet of your mice.



Our mice are eating Topflite Rat and Mice mix and have been enjoying frozen mixed vegs. Any other food should be done under supervision to ensure they do not choke.

Fresh water should always be available, the pet drink bottles work perfectly for this and need to be changed daily.

Recommended products:

Small Animals

Topflite Pine Shavings 30 litre

Topflite Rat And Mice Mix

Pet Drink Bottles

Posted: Wednesday 15 May 2024