Red-Eared Slider Turtles Care Sheet
The red-eared slider is named after the distinctive red streak on each side of their face. They can grow as large as 25cm and can live up to 30 years.
Due to how big these can get, the minimum size enclosure for 2 adult size red ears is 120x60x60cm however like always bigger is better. Once they become large enough, they can move to an outdoor pond, make sure this is safe and predator free. They need to be at least 15cm in shell diameter
The ideal temperature is around 26°C and having a thermometer to measure this is very useful. The tank needs to be free of chlorine before adding the turtle, using Seachem Prime with every water change is perfect and Seachem Stability will help to cycle the tank and make the water safe for your new addition. They require weekly water changes of 20%, using Seachem Prime each time. Using a gravel siphon to clean any waste off the bottom of the enclosure will help to keep the water cleaner.
It is important to never completely change the water of the whole tank. This will remove beneficial bacteria that live in the tank and reset the nitrogen cycle, which could kill your turtle. If you have any concerns about your water condition, you can get test kits which check the water parameters that affect the health of turtle. If you are local we are happy to do this free of charge in store.
You need to use a filter inside the tank which removes waste and bacteria. A filter also aerates the water so your turtle can breathe.
They require both water and dry land for basking in their habitats so having a platform or built-up area is essential. A heat lamp will provide the heat needed for the red-ears to bask and using a UVB light during the day imitates the sun, another crucial part to the health of any red-ear especially as this helps the turtles to absorb calcium from their food for proper bone and shell growth.
They need to be feed daily. It is important to feed them in the water, not on their dry land. They can eat as much as they like however if you notice any excess, it is best to remove this to avoid any unnecessary wastage and cleaning.
We are currently feeding them frozen bloodworms, frozen turtle food, turtle sticks and white worms.
Please note it is very important that you wash your hands after touching any turtles to avoid getting sick. They can carry germs that cause salmonella, which can make you very sick. The best way to avoid this is by good handwashing and cleaning of surfaces that the turtle may come into contact with out of their enclosure.
Recommended products:
Blue Planet Glass Aquarium 150L
Reptile One Reptile-A-Float Floating Landing
To see all other products needed for your red-eared slider click here Frogs and Reptiles
Posted: Monday 15 April 2024