Whistling Tree Tadpoles and Frogs Care Sheet

Whistling Tree Tadpoles and Frogs Care Sheet

Whistling tree frogs are very adorable especially since they are so small. Their colouring is brown, and they stay relatively small at around 4 -5 cm. They can live for up to 5 years in captivity.

Tadpoles are usually available from late Spring to late Summer. Tadpoles can take around 12 weeks to morph from eggs into froglets however if they are too late in the season it can take a year.


Tadpoles need to be kept in Coldwater with the chlorine removed. Using Seachem Prime will be prefect for this. It is ideal that there a filter of some sort in this will help to help clean waste and create water flow to the tank. Tadpoles need to be kept in water until their back legs develop then the water needs to be reduced and more land available to them.


The minimum size enclosure for 2 Whistling Tree frogs is 45cm high but bigger is always better and making sure there is plenty of ventilation. Unlike Green and Golden Bell Frogs, Whistling Tree Frog like to climb more than they like to swim so they require the height of a terrarium, not the length. They also don’t require as much water so providing a shallow dish of water for them to drink and swim in is best.  

You can use river sand and or large river stones as a substrate as well as sphagnum moss and terrarium potted plants. Driftwood keeps it realistic looking like their nature environment and provide places for them to climb and hide.

You will need to use a UVB light during the day imitates the sun a crucial part to the health of any frog and will help them to absorb calcium. We also recommend using a heat lamp to encourage basking.


Tadpoles can eat fish flakes and will eat waste off the ground and graze on decaying plant matter.

Whistling Tree Frogs due to their size will thrive on wingless fruit flies, when they get big enough, they can handle houseflies. Don’t be alarmed if they do not eat straight after getting their back legs as they absorb their tails which can take time. Please note it is not uncommon for frogs to eat anything smaller than themselves so if introducing a new frog make sure it is around the same size. This usually only happens if there is not enough food supply.


You cannot keep Whistling Tree Frogs and Green and Golden Bell frogs together. They require different care, and it is not uncommon for frogs to eat anything smaller than themselves.

Recommended products:

Frogs and Reptiles

Exo Terra Glass Terrarium 30 x 30 x 45cm

Wingless Fruit Flies

Heat Lamps/Lights


Posted: Wednesday 15 May 2024